We generally like to see these things happen before we arrive for your DisplayHub system installation. These items are not required but are meant to make your install easier, faster, save you money and add some really useful features to DisplayHub. We’ll keep this short but it’s important your review this information so our technicians have the necessary hardware and materials on hand during your installation.
Do you have a local cable provider currently in your building?
Yes: DirecTV is great but we also recommend you have at least 1 cable box (STB) that we can add to your system for rain out conditions and simply to have as a backup. Contact your local provider (Spectrum/Comcast) to inquire what they can offer you for TV service. Typically, if you already have a cable modem, adding TV service is either already included or it can be added for very little (or free).
No: Call your local provider, you may be surprised how cheap they can offer you TV service and it’s a great backup for “rain fade” and other DirecTV issues such as blocked out games etc.
Either: Many providers offer free installation or self install, we do not care which as long as those STB(s) are available and activated when we arrive. These boxes can be controlled with DisplayHub provided you have purchased the necessary IR blasters or you can control these the “old fashion way” with a remote.
Do you have TouchTunes?
Yes: Contact your vendor about having an audio input added. They are not obligated to and often will not but, if you ask nicely and perhaps offer some sort of perk(s) such as bar tabs, gift certificates etc. they will generally will add what’s called an audio balun that is connected directly to the TouchTunes media system that will allow you to supply your own audio source while TouchTunes is paused. This is a very handy feature to have because we can typically can connect one of your TV’s (display) to this audio source which play audio through your TouchTunes speakers from that TV giving the TouchTunes speaker system audio for big games and other special presentations. DisplayHub can also control TouchTunes if you have purchased an IR blaster(s).
No: You may want to consider adding some sort of zonable audio system , we can wire 1 of your Display’s to act as an audio source.
I have my audio system: We can wire that for audio from 1 of your Display’s as well!
Will we be relocating DirecTV receivers/STB’s?
Yes: Keep in mind we can wire your DirecTV system in place, meaning nothing has to move however, if you do want us to consolidate your equipment into 1 location, we can do so but, if you can schedule a DirecTV technician (call: 800.288.2020) to do this the same day (or day before) we arrive, even better. 99% of time we do not have trouble moving your receivers but it’s always best if a DirecTV technician does this while we are installing. This will not only save you money on installation costs, but those same technicians can take away your unused DirecTV equipment for a refund or bill reduction.
No: Great, we can wire your DirecTV STB’s in place.
Would you like to add Roku(s) to your system?
The simple answer, is, yes you would, they are very inexpensive and very useful. A Roku is not required but if you would like us to add 1, have it purchased any ready for us to install. Roku’s can be purchased just about everywhere including Walmart for around $30-$50. Also make sure you have purchased at least 1 extra input.
Would you like to add Chive TV?
You are probably asking what is Chive TV, the short answer is that it’s FREE content for your Display’s that is addictive, entertaining, family friendly, audio-optional and can result in longer visits to your establishment. Also make sure you have purchased at least 1 extra input.